
Twitter apk
Twitter apk

Notifications of mentions, follows, favorites and retweets.

twitter apk

  • Allows you to customize your profile, add a photo, description, location and cover.
  • Once you download Twitter Android to your smartphone you will have the usual actions that can be performed with the social network: tweet, retweet, check what is Trending Topic, group your messages with hashtags, follow and unfollow.all from a basic interface and with a clear design to make our interaction with other users as rich an experience as possible. Twitter has become not only a place where you can count on relationships in the network, but also a source of information that allows us to know what is happening immediately and what thousands of users are talking about at the same time.įind out what is being talked about, what is worrying, what is interesting. Once you download Twitter Android you will see for yourself the importance of this platform.

    twitter apk

    At this point, Twitter APK needs little introduction, which together with Facebook has become another way of communicating with both acquaintances and strangers.

    Twitter apk